
WhatsApp Application Inventor – Jan Koum, Read This

Believe it or not, the inventor of the WhatsApp application , Jan Koum, had to go through a tough struggle. Before he became a billionaire, he was a homeless man, but his name shot to become a new billionaire when his application, called Whatsapp, was bought by Facebook for a phenomenal price of 16 billion dollars. US.

Jan Koum lived a very difficult life relying only on subsidies and food rations that he received from the local government along with other Americans who were the same as him every day.

He had to queue to get free food rations, his bed was sometimes made of dirt and a roof to the sky, not in an apartment like most Americans, this was something that Jan Koum was used to.

Working as a cleaner or as a cleaning service in a supermarket was enough for Jan Koum at that time to make a living and have an income that was probably enough for him but also just barely.

Jan Koum, who is the founder of the WhatsApp application, is a person who never gives up when difficulties come to him, his mother at that time was diagnosed with cancer. He then determined to continue his studies at San Jose University while looking for additional income that might be enough for him to make a living and his tuition fees.
While studying at San Jose University, he really liked learning programming when he was on the path of dropping out of his campus. He learned programming on his own where programming is his passion.

Even though he was a drop out of college and without a diploma, he was determined and determined to apply for a job at Yahoo, Jan Koum's ability in programming was getting better and better.

And it turned out that good fortune then overshadowed him, Yahoo accepted him as an employee, Jan Koum's position at that time was an engineer at Yahoo. For 10 years he worked there, and he also developed rapidly there because his passion is in accordance with his field of work.
He then met Brian Acton (one of the founders of whatsapp) who later became his partner or friend in making the Whatsapp application.

Together with Brian Acton, Jan Koum then decided to resign from Yahoo even though he had been working there for a long time and growing rapidly at Yahoo.

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From Yahoo, Koum then tried to apply for work at Facebook, when at that time Facebook, a social media service created by Mark Zuckerberg, was on the rise on the Internet. Even with the enthusiasm to develop and also learn, it turns out that Facebook does not accept job applications submitted by Jan Koum.

Facebook may now regret turning down Jan Koum's as well as Brian Acton's job applications as their own WhatsApp app was purchased by Facebook for a phenomenal price. It was this rejection by Facebook that made Jan Koum and Brian Acton design and create the phenomenal WhatsApp messaging application.

Currently, the application made by Jan Koum, namely Whatsapp, is the most phenomenal application by having the most users in the world, the Whatsapp application beats the BlackBerry Messenger messaging application and also other messaging applications in terms of the highest number of users in the world.

It was this level of popularity of the WhatsApp application that made Facebook acquire the application made by Jan Koum and Brian Acton for a fantastic amount of 16 billion US dollars or around 220 trillion rupiah. Fantastic numbers aren't they...

This is what later made Jan Koum and Brian Acton become new billionaires even though he used to be a homeless person, with passionate determination and never giving up he managed to change his life for the better.

It was at this successful time that Jan Koum used to go to the place where he used to be homeless in the past to remember the hard times at that time, he cried when he had no money and used to queue up to get free meals.

He also remembers his mother, who is now dead due to cancer and her mother having sewn clothes for him because she had no money.

He fought with unyielding determination and passion to change his fate from a tramp to a new billionaire.

Jan Koum, with the success he has now achieved with his application, WhatsApp, has managed to prove that he never gives up and remains steadfast in living a hard life. A life struggle that is very inspiring to emulate. hopefully useful for all readers.
source : https://www.penemu.co/penemu-gratis-whatsapp-jan-koum

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