This is FIG FRUIT: Favorite River Fish
Usually figs grow wild on the river cliffs in the village area. Fishing when the fig tree season is fruitful is fun because the fruit is a favorite of various fish species, especially in the Perak River and Pahang River.
Kaloi fish (the easiest to find, lampam, tongsan with rough scales, catfish, mace and sometimes baung are also fond of figs). When the figs are ripe, the time is best for fishing. At this time, the fish get drunk easily because they eat the fallen fruit.
Besides that. you may split or cut ripe figs to release their aroma so that they are easy to graft one by one until they are about an inch long on the hair. .
The season for ripe figs is between four and five times a year. Every time it is cooked, it can last a week, but not all figs become a river fish craze. Usually, those that smell good and have a red heart are the choice of anglers around the Perak area.(af/angler
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