This The 49 Greatest Sports Moments of All-Time
The Curse of the Bambino
F**K You Hitler
Goodbye, Lou
We're Not Going Streaking Anymore
Jackie Robinson Makes History
Shot Heard 'Round the World
Damn, He's Fast
27 Up, 27 Down
Was the 1958 NFL Championship Game 'The Greatest Game Ever Played'?
The Century Mark
Down Goes Liston
Steamin' Robert Beamon
Super Broadway Joe
Are You Ready For Some Football?
U.S.A. Gets Robbed
Now That's A Win For the Ages
It's the Juice, Run O.J., Run
The New Home Run King
The Wizard of Westwood Wins Number 10
Anyone For Some Music?
Don't Ever Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up
The Golden Bear's Master-ful Performance
Hand Of G-d
Once Upon A Time, Being A Mets Fan Didn't Require Xanax
Anyone Need A Bookie?
The Great One Becomes Number One
Earthquake Strikes the Battle of the Bay
The Magnificent Seven
The "Magic" Show Is Over
Laettner's Buzzer-beater
The Fab Flub
Major League Baseball Strikes
The Waiting Is Over!
Why, Why, Why?
Cal Becomes the New Iron Man
The Yankees Win, THEEE Yankees Win
A Cub Transforms Into a Tiger
His Final Shot
The Return of Super Mario
Orange Crush
Boston Red Sox Miraculous Comeback
The 2008 Michael Phelps Olympics
An Epic Final
Tiger Woods Wins the 2008 U.S Open on One Leg
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