The names of the months of the Christian era and their history
Senin, 23 Januari 2023
The names of the months of the Christian era and their history
The Gregorian calendar is the calendar that is now the most widely used in the World (West). This is a modification of the Julian Calendar (because the Julian Calendar is considered inaccurate). The first to propose it was Dr. Aloysius Lilius of Naples-Italy, and approved by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582.
The calendar year of this calendar, based on the Christian year.
1.> January
Derived from the name of the Roman god, a god with two faces named Janus. The two faces of the god Janus are opposite each other, one looking forward and the other looking back as a symbol of looking at the past and looking into the future. God Janus is also known as the God of Doors.
2.> February
Derived from the Latin word Februa, a term for the feast of purification held by the ancient Romans on February 15 every year. This month is the month with the least number of days, namely 28 days in an ordinary year and 29 days in a leap year.
3.> March
March comes from the word Mars, the name of the ancient Roman god of war who was very famous for his fierceness and incomparable courage. At first, March was the first month in the Roman calendar, then in 45 BC Julius Caesar added January and February in front of it to make it a third month.
4.> April
The origin of the fourth month's name is still not agreed upon with certainty. Some say that April comes from the word Aphrodite, which means the goddess of love. Somewhat closer to the truth if judging from the origin of the word is Aperire which means to open. This thought arose because the Greeks called the spring that starts from April with the term opening.
5.> May
Derived from the name of the Roman Goddess of Fertility, Dewi Maia.
6.> June
The word June comes from Juno, the name of the feminine goddess which symbolizes the dignity of womanhood
bring family happiness.
7.> July
This seventh month was originally called Quintilis and was originally located on the fifth. But when Rome was ruled by Mark Anthony the month's name was changed to July, taken from the name Julius Caesar as a tribute to the famous Roman Emperor. (Please note, in this month Julius Caesar was born).
8.> August
Just as the name July comes from the name Julius Caesar, the month August comes from the name of the Roman emperor, namely August. He even put his name on the calendar himself. He changed the number of days by subtracting the number of days in February, then adding them in the eighth month. That's why February is the month with the fewest days.
9.> September
September was originally the seventh month in the Roman calendar. September comes from the Latin word septa which means seven. At first, September was in seventh place in the Julian calendar. But when in the eighth century BC, the division of the year was changed from 10 months to 12 months, without changing the name first, the month of September was placed ninth and is in effect to this day.
10.> October
As with September, October also suffered a similar fate. Its name comes from the Latin word Okto which means eight. Originally, October was in the eighth position and shifted to the tenth order following the shift in the month.
11.> November
The name of this month comes from the Latin novem, which means nine. Before the renewal was held at the time of Julius Caesar, November only had 29 days, not 30 days as it is known today and was the ninth month. The Old English called November the 'Bloody month' because this month was the season of cattle slaughter before winter.
12.> December
The name of this month comes from the Latin Decem, which means ten. December was originally the tenth and last month in the Roman calendar. By nations living in the northern hemisphere, December is known as the 'holy month' because all countries are covered with white snow and ice all day long.
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