
Selasa, 10 Januari 2023

The History and Origins of the Naming of the Months of AD Along with the Pictures and Facts Behind the Inappropriate Order

Maybe my friend asked what the words "Inappropriate Order" mean. I will explain what it means and what causes it. The explanation this time will be explained in detail and depth. Many think that the names of the months have been replaced by the gods and caesar. Actually, there is still much that is not known about the history of the placement of the month's name and what happened behind it. This post will be special on my birthday :) May 31st
In the past, his father had told him about the history of sorting the months. Based on HATTA library books located in JOGJA province during college. In the past, the internet was rarely like it is now, because it was only recently discovered in Indonesia and it was still expensive, hey

The initial order of the month names at the beginning of the millennium is as follows March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February. This is one reason why every four years / leap year we get a gift of one day which is placed in February. Because at that time February was the last month to close the year. 

You can see for yourself and think.
octa = 8 but october is in the order of the 10th month, 
November = 9 but November is in the order of the 11th month. 
Decem = 10 but December is the 12th month

Realistically. In the past, the first time was the beginning of the Qomariyah year, for about 200 years, meaning until the 3rd century, friend. astronomers still do not know in detail that the actual time the earth rotates in one year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes, and 45.1814 seconds. Blogger friends must have been taught in elementary school about the time of one year's revolution of the earth in detail.

In ancient times, one year was only 365 days. It took hundreds of years, more or less for 200 years. It was only then that the Earth's time of revolution around the sun was known in detail, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes, and 45.1814 seconds. Since knowing this fact, there has been a pretty great time-lapse. I mean big year changes without any real time elapsed, about 50 days, almost two months, friend. So, for example, at that time, March 1, 210 AD, the year was immediately brought forward to April 20, 210 AD. Why is that ?

It is advanced directly by approximately 50 days with no apparent time elapsed in order to make up for any missed leap years. This decision caused an uproar in the community at that time. Wow, this indirectly makes you older :) So at that time, maybe Caesar Rome decided that the closing of the leap year was placed at the end of the year, namely February (the end of the month at that time).

Why Now The month of February is in 2nd place in the Qomariyah year. Even though it used to be at the end of the year??? The reason that runs deep to this point is the fact that long ago July was the 5th month. hence the name of the month Quintilis. then in the time of Julius Caesar, the calendar was improved. January is the first month. and because Julius Caesar was born in the month Quintilis, this month was named July from then on. It's nice that the Romans can change everything. But we have to admit that Rome once ruled the world as well as its technology.

we should know the history of the Naming of the Moon. 

January: which means the god of doors from Rome. named Janus has 2 faces, 
1 facing backwards (past) 
1 facing forward (future)

style="text-align: justify;">February : February is the festival of purification of Rome, which is celebrated this month

March: Martius - from Mars, Roman god of war

April : From aperire, in Latin means open, because all plants are 'open' this month. Related to the season bro.

May: which means Maia, the Roman goddess of growth

June : Named between the roman family name 'Junius' or also comes from the goddess Juno

July : Julius Caesar, named so by Mark Anthony 44 BC

Augustus : named around 8 BC, in honor of King Augustus

September: septem in Roman = 7 (in Roman september is the 7th month)

October : octo, means 8. 

November: novem, means 9. At first, the number of days was 29. But there was a change to 30 days at the time of Julius Caesar. The Old English called this month the 'Bloody Month' because it was the season of cattle slaughter before winter.

December: decem, means 10. By the nations of the northern hemisphere, this month is called the 'Holy Month' because the whole country is covered with white snow.

Note: August: the history is the same as in July. It used to be called the month of Sextilis or the 6th month. then replaced with the name Augustine Caesar to the month of August. because when Rome was led by Augustine many heroic and lucky events occurred this month. September, October, November, December: with the same history as July and August,, (respectively) meaning 7, 8, 9, and 10. but no name change.

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