
The Historical Story Behind the Naming of the Planets in Our Solar System

The Historical Story Behind the Naming of the Planets in Our Solar System

Even in the science of astronomy, the elements of ancient idolaters were inserted. This is REAL in the use of names that are used as terms in Astronomy. That's the illuminati's hidden agenda of absorbing all its teachings into whatever they can get their hands on. So that the names of the planets in our solar system that we always say are the names of the gods they worship.

Mercury Planet Utarid

Mercury is a messenger and a god of profit trade and child trade, Maia Maiestas is also known as Ops the Roman version of Rhea and Jupiter. In his earliest form, he appears to be related to the Etruscan god Turms, but much of his character and mythology is borrowed from the Greek god Hermes.

Mercury, like Hermes, carried the symbol of medicine, a staff with two entwined snakes, Apollo's gift to Hermes. Mercury was also considered the god of abundance and commerce, especially in Gaul.

The planet Mercury is named after the god Mercury is said to be able to fly very fast. Likewise, the planet Mercury is a planet that has the fastest speed in the sun compared to other planets.

Venus Planet Morning

Venus is the name of an ancient Roman goddess primarily associated with love, beauty and fertility who played a major role in many Roman religious festivals and myths. From the third century BC, the rising Hellenized class of Rome was identified as an equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Venus is Mars' lover partner. The planet Venus is named after its name because it is the most beautiful planet.

Earth Planet Earth

Some sources say that Earth is another name for the goddess Gaia; the goddess who guards the universe and gives prosperity and life. Maybe the name was given to the planet where we live because here is a place that has the most important source of life, namely water.

Gaia means land, or Earth. Gaia was the primordial goddess in the ancient Greek pantheon of gods and considered the Mother Goddess or Great Goddess.

He was the equivalent in the Roman temple gods of Terra Mater or Tellus. The Romans, unlike the Greeks, were inconsistent in distinguishing the Earth goddess (Tellus) from the goddess of Wheat (Ceres).

Mars Planet Marikh

Mars is the Roman god of war, son of Juno and Jupiter, husband of Bellona and lover of Venus. He was the most prominent of the army of gods worshiped by the Roman legions. The Romans considered him second in importance after Jupiter (their main god). His festivals are held in March (named for him) and October.

Unlike the Greeks, Mars was generally revered and rivaled Jupiter as the most respected god. He is also a Roman-like god. He is considered to be the father of the legendary founder of the Romans namely Romulus, it is believed that all Romans

is a descendant of Mars.

War is synonymous with red blood. So the planet Mars is named the same as its name because the planet is reddish.

Jupiter Planet Jupiter

In Roman mythology, Jupiter or Jove is the king of the gods and god of the sky and thunder. He is Zeus in the temple of the Greek gods.

As the patron god of ancient Rome, he ruled over laws and social order. he is the chief god of the Capitoline Triad, with brother/wife Juno. Jupiter is the father of the gods Mars and Juno. Hence, Jupiter was the patriarch of Romulus and Remus, originators of the Roman legend.
He is a son of Saturn, along with the brothers Neptune and Pluto. This king of gods is also said to have the body of a saw, hence his name is placed on the planet Jupiter because it is the largest planet in our solar system.

Saturn Planet Zuhal

Saturn is the main Roman god of agriculture. In medieval times he was recognized as the Roman god of agriculture, justice and strength. He holds a scythe in his left hand and a sheaf of wheat in his right. her mother's name was Helen.

He was first identified in classical Greek with the god Cronus and the mythologies of the two gods are usually mixed. Saturn's wife was Ops (Roman mythological equivalent of Rhea). saturn is the father of Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto and neptune. Besides being used as the name of the planet Saturn (zuhal), Saturn is also used on Saturday (Saturday).

Uranus Planet Uranus

Uranus is the Latin form of Ouranos, the Greek name for the sky. In Greek mythology Ouranos or Heavenly Father, existed as the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Uranus and Gaia were the ancestors of several Greek gods, but there was no direct cult in classical times.

Most Greeks considered Uranus to be primordial (protogenos), and gave him no origin. Under the influence of the philosophers, Cicero, in De Natura Deorum (The Nature og the Gods), claimed that he was a descendant of the ancient gods Aether and Hemera, Air and Day.

According to the Orphic hymns, Uranus is the son of the personification of the night, Nyx. Its equivalent in Roman mythology is Caelus, which is another word for sky.

Neptune Planet Neptune

Neptune (Latin: Neptune) is the god of water and the sea in Roman mythology, sibling of Jupiter and Pluto. He is the same but not identical to the Greek mythological god Poseidon. The Roman concept of Neptune owes a great debt to the Etruscan god Nethuns. For some time he was paired with Salacia, the goddess of salt water.

Neptune is associated with fresh water, as opposed to Oceanus, the god of the sea world. Like Poseidon, Neptune was also worshiped by the Romans as the god of horses, under the name Neptune Equester, patron of horse racing.

Planet Neptune has a very wide ocean of water, according to God Neptune, the God of Water and Ocean.

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