Jumat, 20 Januari 2023
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Definition of Azan and Iqomah 1. Azan etymologically means: to tell something. Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala said: "And (this is) a notification from Allah and His Messenger". ( QS. At-Tauba: 3 ). And also the word of Allah ta'ala: "I have conveyed to you all (the teachings) the same (between us)" . ( QS. Al-Anbiya ': 109 ), I mean I have told you, so we know we are now the same).
Azan in terminology means: notification of the entry of prayer times with certain pronunciations in accordance with the Shari'a. It is called that because the person giving the call to prayer informs others about the prayer times. And it is also called An-Nida (call/call) because the muezzin calls people to pray.
Allah said: " And when you call (them) to (perform) prayer, they make it a mockery and a game. This is because they are a people who do not want to use reason ." ( QS. Al-Maidah: 58 ) And also the words of Allah SWT: " When you are called to perform the Friday prayer, then hurry to remember Allah ". ( QS. Al-Jumu'ah: 9 )
2. Qamat (Iqamah) etymologically means: establishing something when it has become straight. In terms of terminology, qamat means: informing about the establishment/ implementation of fardhu prayers with certain dhikr (lafaz) that are prescribed by law. So the call to prayer is a notification about the time of prayer, while Qomat is a notification about work (prayer), Qomat is also called the second Azan, or the second call.
3. The law of adhan and qomat is Fardhu Kifayah for men only (not including women) during the five daily prayers, Friday prayers. Azan and Qomat are prescribed based on arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah. As for the Qur'an, it is as follows: "And when you call (them) to (perform) prayer, they make it a mockery and a game. That is because they are truly a people who do not want to use reason " ( QS. Al-Maidah: 58 ). And the Word of Allah SWT: " O you who believe, when you are called to perform the Friday prayer, then hurry to remember Allah ". ( QS. Al-Jumu'ah: 9 )
As for the Sunnah of the Prophet - Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam – is as follows: عن مالك بن الحويرث: ((فإذا حضرت الصلاة فليؤذن لكم أحدكم وليؤمكم أكبركم)) "From Malik bin Huwairits: When it is time to pray, let one of you make the call to prayer and let the oldest among you be the priest." The words of the Prophet - Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam - "one of you" shows that the call to prayer is fardhu kiyafah. ) Ibn Taimiyah Rahimahullah said: in the mutawatir sunnah it is stated that the call (azan) has existed since the time of the Prophet - Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam -, likewise based on ijma' Muslims and their practices from generation to generation. )
Azan is obligatory for men when they are living, when traveling long distances, when alone, when praying on time or when making up for it, it is obligatory for free people and also slaves.
Priority of Azan
Allah SWT said: " And who is better in speech than one who calls upon Allah, does righteous deeds, and says: "Indeed, I am among those who surrender " ( QS. Fushshilat: 33 ).
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hadith also mentions the virtues of the call to prayer and the muezzin (people who call to prayer), including: 1. The muezzin will have a longer neck on the Day of Judgment, based on the hadith: عن معاوية بن أبي سفيان – رضي الله عنه – قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: (( المؤذنون أطول الناس أعناقًا يوم القيامة )) " From Mu'awiyah bin Abifyan Rasulullah heard him saying -Ralla Anhuya he said 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam – said: Those who call to prayer (muazzin) are the ones with the longest necks on the Day of Resurrection "). 2. Azan drives away devils, based on the hadith:
On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((If the call to prayer is called, Satan makes his farts so that he does not hear the call to prayer, so if the call is finished, he proceeds until when he is called to prayer, he turns back, until when the call is finished, he comes forward until he comes between a person And himself, he says to him: Remember this and remember this, when he did not remember before, until the man does not know how much he prayed) )
From Abu Hurairah - Radiyallahu 'Anhu - that the Messenger of Allah - Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam - said: When the call to prayer is called, Satan will run away while farting until he no longer listens to the call to prayer, when the call to prayer is finished, he will return again. When the Qomat was called for prayer he went back, when the Qamat was finished he came back again so that he could disturb the people who were praying, he said: remember this and this... which he didn't remember before the prayer so that finally someone didn't realize how many raka's it was. did he pray ). 3. If only people knew the reward they got during the first call (adhan) then they would definitely vote (to get it), this is based on the hadith:
On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((If people knew what is in the call to prayer and the first row, and then they could not find anything other than to draw lots for it, they would draw lots, and if they knew what was in the migration, they would race to it, and if they knew what is in the darkness and the morning they would come to them even if they loved ) )
From Abu Hurairah - Radiyallahu 'Anhu - that the Messenger of Allah - Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam - said: If people knew the reward that is in the call (adhan) and the first row then they could not get it except by lot, then they would definitely vote for it, and if only they knew the reward they would get for being present at the time of takbiratul ihram then they would definitely compete (to attend it), and if only they knew what they would get during the Isha and Fajr prayers they would definitely come to it even if they had to crawl " .
4. Tidak satupun yang mendengarkan suara muazzin melainkan dia pasti akan menjadi saksi baginya nanti. Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri - Radiyallahu 'Anhu – berkata kepada Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Abi Sha'sha'ah Al-Anshari: ((I see that you love the sheep and the desert, so if you are with your sheep or your desert and you announce the prayer, then raise your voice with the call; it does not The extent of the muezzin’s voice is heard by jinn or human beings, and nothing but witnesses for him on the Day of Resurrection. Abu Saeed said: I heard it from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) )
I noticed that you really like goats and villages, if you are with your goats or are in your village then you call to prayer to pray, then raise your voice at the call to prayer, because in fact the muezzin's voice is not heard by jinns, humans and others but he will be a witness for him on the Day of Resurrection. Then Abu Sa'id said : I listened to this (hadith) from the Messenger of Allah - Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam ). 5. The muezzin will be forgiven for his sins as long as his voice, and he will get a reward equal to the reward of those who pray with him. This is based on the hadith:
عن البراء بن عازب – رضي الله عنه – أن نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ((إن الله وملائكته يصلون على الصف المقدَّم، والمؤذنُ يغفرُ له مدَّ صوته، ويصدقه من سمعه من رطبٍ ويابسٍ وله مثلُ أجر من صلى معه)) " Dari Barra' bin 'Azib - Radiyallahu 'Anhu – that the Prophet - Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam – said: Verily, Allah and His Angels will bless those in the foremost row, and the muezzin will be forgiven for his sins as long as his voice, and he will be justified by everything that listens to him, both wet things and dry things, and he will get a reward like the reward of those who pray with him " ). 6. The Prophet prayed for the muezzin to get forgiveness from Allah, this is based on the hadith:
On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((The imam is responsible and the muezzin is trusted. Oh God, guide the imams and forgive the muezzins)) Aalihi Wasallam - bersabda: Seorang Imam Penjamin (pelaksanaan shalat) dan Muazzin orang yang diberikan kepercayaan untuk menjaganya, O Allah tunjukilah para Imam dan berilah ambunan untuk para muazzin”). 7. Azan akan menyebabkan diampuninya dosa dan dimasukkan ke dalam sorga, berdasarkan hadits: On the authority of Uqbah bin Aamer - may God be pleased with him - he said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: ((Your Lord is pleased with a shepherd who is at the top of a fragment of a mountain, who calls for prayer and prays And God, peace and blessings be upon him, says: Look at this servant of Mine, he calls the call to prayer and the iqaamah, and he fears Me, for I have forgiven my servant and admitted him to Paradise.) )
From 'Uqbah bin 'Amir - Radiyallahu 'Anhu - he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah - Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Aalihi Wasallam - say: Your Lord (Allah) was very impressed with a goatherd on the top of a hill (mountain) when he called the call to prayer and prayed alone. . Then Allah said: look at this My servant, he called the call to prayer and established the prayer out of fear of Me, then indeed I have forgiven his sins and admitted him to heaven " . (من أذَّن ثنتَي آثنَ سنةً وجبْ له جنةً, وكتبْ له بآذينه في كلِّ يومٍ ستونَ حسنةً, ولكلِّ العقامٍ تلاسونَ حسنةً)) "
Whoever makes the call to prayer twelve times a year then he has the right to enter heaven, and sixty good deeds will be recorded for him every day he calls to prayer, and for every qomat (recorded) thirty good deeds ").
There are so many advantages to the call to prayer, both for the muezzin and the people who listen to the call to prayer. Therefore, when you hear the sound of the call to prayer, you should stop all the activities you are doing, listen for a moment, and answer, with the answer to the call to prayer, then perform ablution and immediately perform the prayer. For men, then take the opportunity to become a muazzin, because there are so many advantages and rewards given by Allah SWT.