The grouper fishing technique is actually not difficult to learn. The most important thing is that we provide sufficient fishing equipment.
Grouper often called Grouper by Caucasians is a type of consumption and is very popular with many people because it tastes delicious and the structure of the meat is very soft. So that many anglers make it the main target to vent their fishing desires.
grouper fishing
I will explain how to fish for grouper in my article. The fishing technique is almost the same as the red snapper fishing technique. It only remains to apply it in the field where each angler has different variations even though the outline is almost the same.
Grouper fishing methods and techniques are as follows:
The first requirement for grouper fishing is to determine the correct fishing spot.
Groupers usually live in coral reefs or man-made FADs. In addition, he also likes to live in closed places because he is quiet and rarely hunts unless he is really hungry or wants to defend his territory by attacking his enemies. The point is, don't expect us to fish with grouper targets, but we are fishing in the sea with a basic structure in the form of a stretch of sand. It is also possible to catch groupers on the sandy seabed, but the chances are very small compared to fishing in spots in the form of coral, FADs or pillars. Particularly in the Central Java area of the Karimunjawa Islands, there are still many large expanses of coral. So it's very easy to fish for grouper in Karimunjawa.
Grouper fishing bait
Discussing grouper fishing bait is actually not difficult. This fish is a voracious fish. He will eat anything in front of him that he thinks is appropriate and worth eating.
Slices of squid, cobs and slices of any fish must be eaten if he is really hungry. As long as it smells fishy, it will arouse his appetite. For live bait bait, we can use live shrimp, live trevally, small jenaha, lots and many more of his favorite live bait baits.
For lures targeting grouper fishing, we can use a long-tongued minnow because a minnow with a long tongue will dive deeper and will definitely be able to get close to the grouper's nest or house. Usually fishing for grouper by casting technique can be done in a landbase on the seafront where there are rocks or coral around it. Here are some minnow examples for target grouper fishing:
Many strange events that often occur, such as fishing with trolling techniques but getting grouper strikes. This can happen if the trolling bait has a long tongue and is supported by a trolling spot that is not too deep. Sometimes when we use a corkscrew line to find targets for small fish, we actually get groupers. This happens if our bait is too low to get close to the seabed.
We can also fish for groupers using a metal jig or we can also use an inchiku that we play around the nest.
Fighting with groupers
For fishing with the target of monster grouper or very large fish, we are advised to use live bait bait that is larger than it should be. If we already know that the spot we are going to is a good spot and inhabited by monster-sized groupers, just use live bait bait, such as the example with the jenaha fish, which is between 1/4kg-1/2kg by hooking it to a fishing line and adding weight. according to the ocean currents that occurred at that time. If the underwater currents are dead, we don't need to add ballast so that the live bait bait can produce maximum action. But if the underwater currents are too fast, we can add a rather large ballast so that the live bait doesn't drift away because the big fish are definitely just waiting for their prey in front of their nest. If our bait is not right in front of his eyes, he will not eat it. Sometimes the bait is in front of his eyes but the fish doesn't want to grab our bait.
Groupers have very strong energy when the initial strike occurs. Because the body structure is rather round, it feels very heavy when we get the grouper's resistance when a strike occurs. In the first seconds of the grouper's strike, it really determines whether we can finish the resistance or not. If our bait is eaten by a grouper and then he drags the bait into the nest or his house, it is very difficult for us to get the grouper out of the nest. Grouper fish have very strong tails, so when we fight with a grouper fish that has brought our bait into its nest, it will hold on very firmly to its nest by using its tail by bending its tail.
To overcome this, an angler needs patience. You can also wait until the grouper fish come out of the nest again. You can also wait until the grouper goes limp and releases its grip from the nest. Usually a beginner angler immediately plays beat even though the grouper's position has entered the nest. As a result, the line will rub a lot with rocks or other sharp objects which will cause the string or line to break. We have lost our hopes of getting grouper fish.
Grouper is a fish that is very susceptible to decompression. If we fight with a grouper and then we beat it mercilessly, surely it will experience decompression resulting in its tongue sticking out and its eyes bulging out which makes it helpless without any resistance at all which can result in death for the grouper. This happens when we fish in deep enough sea because there is a difference in water pressure at each distance of seawater depth.
Thus I have explained a little information about effective and precise techniques for fishing for groupers. Hopefully this info can be useful for fishing mania in Indonesia in particular and fishing mania around the world in general.