Sea fishing, Read This
Fishing for sea water fish is an activity, sport, hobby or a way to catch fish in the sea and is carried out from the beach to the middle of the sea using the help of a fishing rod.
In sea water, fishing at this time can be done by:
Seafront fishing Midsea fishing Sea fishing
Besides that, the conditions when fishing in the sea can be done during the day (from morning to evening) and also at night. However, all fishing activities in the sea sometimes always depend on the weather conditions around it.
Weather Factor
Not every fishing in the sea always works well. When fishing for fish in the sea, weather factors or natural factors greatly affect the catch. Weather factors usually depend on various factors.
Angler is trying to pull a Marlin fish that has limp to the side of the ship to be lifted onto the deck of the ship
Weather Factors above sea level
Sun and Moon
Whether or not the sun is hot during the day sometimes affects fish activities. Good fishing is in the early morning or dawn, when biologically the fish are just coming out of sleep and looking for food. Continued until noon the hot sun that continues to shine without any clouds and darkness.
Meanwhile, at night it affects the presence or absence of the moon. At night good fishing is when there is no moon or in other words when there is no light. Because sea water contains salt, if there is moonlight at night it will cause the fishing line in the sea water to look like it is lit. This is caused by light or light above the surface of the water. But for fishing for squid or shrimp it is more often done at night when there is a moon which is the best time, because these animals are very attracted to light which causes them to gather on the surface of the sea when there is a moon. That is why fishermen use lamps or kerosene lamps at night to find small fish, shrimp and squid.
Wind, Waves and Clouds
Wind speed also affects fish activities, because the size of the waves is the result of wind blowing. The wind will cause waves and can also affect the presence or absence of clouds. If fishing in the middle of a steep bay when the waves are big the smaller fish will usually head to the bay which results in the big fish also going into the bay
Wind flow also depends on the weather and season. If it's cloudy and the sun is blocked or dim, sea fish will also usually swim and be deeper into the water or even to the bottom of the sea. fresh water that is discharged to the surface of the sea is also added to by the flow of estuaries where fresh water is discharged into the middle of the sea and causes fish to go to the middle of the sea, to the seabed or hide in the rocks. Meanwhile, if the rain occurs in the middle of the sea and only briefly, especially when the rain just subsides, sometimes the fish will get hungry and
the weather factor in the sea water, the
temperature of the sea water
The temperature of the sea water is very influential on the fish, if it is too hot the fish will go deeper into the sea or out to the middle of the sea to look for cooler temperatures, but at a rather high temperature the fish will be more aggressive in finding food. Meanwhile, if the temperature of the sea water is too cold, the fish will lack appetite and be less aggressive. The temperature of sea water in the tropics ranges from 26-35 degrees Celsius while in the polar regions it can be close to zero degrees Celsius.
Ocean currents
Water currents are influenced by the surrounding sea conditions. Many incidents occur when the wind is weak, the water currents can be strong or when the wind is strong the water currents in the sea are actually weak. So the water flow is not affected by the wind.
If the current is strong sea water can be seen in bottom fishing by the tilt of the fishing line when the lead weight of the fishing bait and hook has touched the seabed. Sometimes the hook can shift very far or even can't touch the seabed. This situation can be overcome by giving greater ballast. Like air, seawater moves from cold to warmer temperatures. It is at the meeting place of these two currents that usually many fish gather. a strong current will make the bait drift and less appealing to fish to eat and dead stream will make the bait fall to the bottom. current is being sought by anglers for bait will fly like a living fly up to make fish love it.
Seawater clarity
The clarity or turbidity factor of sea water should also be taken into account. Sometimes bad water turbidity or lots of trash can cause fish to drop. A better time is when the surrounding sea is clear and bright blue and the sun is shining brightly. Sometimes the difference in the color of the sea can be caused by dim sunlight or blocked by clouds, this can cause the sea water to look cloudy.