


Starting from the mailing list, continuing to ground coffee. From ground coffee, the idea of ​​forming a community was born. From the similarity of having a crush on AC Milan, the Indonesian Milanisti was born. That is a brief description of the formation of the Indonesian Milanisti.
After sharing information and discussing through mailing lists for a long time, in early 2003, several mailing list members met to get to know each other. From the initial chat, which was attended by only 6 people, the idea of ​​forming a Rossoneri fan community grew stronger. Starting from this, a second meeting was held which was attended by 10 people on March 16, 2003. Dibidani Jamzer, Ronald, Arif Ikram, Lena, Ajung, Toel Maldini, Harris Nasution, Toni, Decy and Gugun, the ten people agreed that same day to establish Milanisti Indonesia and Arif Ikram was elected as the first president of Milanisti Indonesia.
Containers are formed, activities are held. Just "standard", Milanisti Indonesia's first official get-together was watching together alias Nobar. In collaboration with one of the sports tabloids, Milanisti Indonesia gathered to watch together the 2003 Champions League semi-final duel, which incidentally featured the Derby della Madonnina match. From this nobar, Milanisti Indonesia began to be known more widely. With AC Milan's momentum to emerge as European champion in 2003, member registration increased until it reached 200 people, including those from areas outside Jakarta. Until the end of 2003, Milanisti Indonesia recorded that 15% of the members came from outside Jakarta.
During the era of Arif Ikram's leadership, the existence of Milanisti Indonesia was planted, disseminated, and strengthened, among others by conducting gathering activities, so the focus of the new management was more on internal improvements, and also formalized the name Milanisti Indonesia, by further strengthening its legal status.
A year later, towards the end of 2004, the leadership of Milanisti Indonesia changed hands. Due to his busy schedule, Arif Ikram handed over leadership to James Ricky Tampubolon (Jamzer).
In mid-2006 the first ever Milanisti Indonesia presidential election was held. Maybe this is the first democratic process among the fan club community in Indonesia. At that time there were three candidates (Tommy, Filbert, and Rival) who were elected by approximately 600 members. After voting was held, Filbert Barnabas was finally elected as President of Milanisti Indonesia for the 2006-2008 period.
It was during this period that Milanisti Indonesia developed not only in Jakarta, but also outside the region. Until now, Milanisti Indonesia has inaugurated five (5) sezione (Bandung, Yogyakarta, Cirebon, Bogor and Semarang). But outside of the zones that have been inaugurated, there are also zones that have carried out routine activities such as the Batam, Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Bengkulu, Cilegon, Malang, Jember, Palangkaraya, Surabaya, Bali, Makassar, Palu, Manado, and other zones another that continues to grow over time.
Until now, members of the Indonesian Milanisti are still dominated by men. But, that doesn't mean we forget womenfolk. It has been proven since the end of 2007 that Milanisti Indonesia formed a women's futsal team, which was named Milanisti Angel. It has been noted that Milanisti Angel has appeared in friendly events several times. Currently Milanisti Angel is doing routine training every month at IBM Hangar Futsal, Pancoran, South Jakarta, which is also Milanisti Indonesia's home base.
The principle of Milanisti Indonesia is the same as AC Milan, namely: kinship. That is what we try to instill in our members. Milanisti Indonesia has gone through a five-year period. We have faced many obstacles. Hopefully in the years to come Milanisti Indonesia will continue to overcome all the obstacles that come its way, so that it can continue to exist and even be recognized, not only in Indonesia but also in Italy.
On Friday (15 October 2010) Milanisti Indonesia, represented by Toel, Reza Razer, and Andri, had the opportunity to visit the official secretariat of AIMC (Associazione Italiana Milan Club) at the San Siro Stadium, Milan. AIMC is the official organization of the Milan Fans Club under the direct auspices of AC Milan. MI representatives were warmly welcomed by Signore Carlo, Signore Vincenzo and Signora Arabella from AIMC. On this occasion, Toel et al explained everything about MI, including routine activities and sezione covered in Indonesia. Apart from that, administrative equipment and souvenirs from Indonesia were also handed over to AIMC in the form of MI scarves and polo shirts. Furthermore, the AIMC represented by signore Carlo invited Toel, Reza and Andri to tour the San Siro Stadium starting from the Curva Nord,
On the morning of 18 October 2010, MI representatives together with the MJC Indonesia team visited San Siro Station to do a tour of the stadium. After the tour, Toel et al went straight to the AIMC secretariat again to meet signora Arabella and it turned out that there were already waiting for AIMC president signore Alesandro Capitano. With great enthusiasm they welcomed him back while submitting official proof that MI had officially joined the AIMC extended family with no register/code (Al vostro club e stato assegnato I'll numero di codice: 310200) as well as other facilities.
With this official letter, Milanisti Indonesia as of October 18 2010 has officially become the Official Fans Club of Milan and is officially registered in Italy. Gratitude to God and deepest gratitude to MI representatives (Toel, Reza, and Andri), members, founders, and all milanisti in Indonesia for their support and prayers so that what we all want can be achieved.
Hopefully this can be used as MI and all the entities within it as a starting point so that it can be better, more solid, compact, and more enthusiastic while still being based on a sense of kinship.

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