History of Bogor Palace in Indonesia
Minggu, 15 Januari 2023
History of Bogor Palace in Indonesia
Bogor Palace is one of the six Presidential Palaces of the Republic of Indonesia which has its own uniqueness due to its historical, cultural and fauna aspects. One of them is the presence of deer that were imported directly from Nepal and have been maintained from the past until now.
At present it has become a trend for the people of Bogor and its surroundings every Saturday, Sunday and other holidays to walk around the Bogor Palace while feeding the beautiful deer that live in the Bogor Palace grounds with carrots obtained from traditional farmers from Bogor residents. who are always ready to sell the carrots every holiday. As the name suggests, this palace is located in Bogor, West Java.
Even though various state activities are no longer carried out, the general public is allowed to visit in groups, by first asking permission from the Secretary of State, cq the Head of the Presidential Household.
Bogor Palace
Source: https://www.google.com/
It started with the desire of the Dutch people who worked in Batavia (now Jakarta) to find a place to rest. Because they thought that the city of Batavia was too hot and crowded, so they needed to find places with cool weather outside the city of Batavia.
The Governor General of the Netherlands named GW Baron van Imhoff, took part in the search and managed to find a good and strategic place in a village called Kampong Baroe, on 10 August 1744.
A year later, namely in 1745 Governor General van Imhoff (1745-1750) ordered the construction of a place of his choice, a guest house which was named Buitenzorg, (meaning free from problems or difficulties). He himself made a sketch of the building by modeling the architecture of Blenheim Palace, the residence of the Duke of Malborough, near the city of Oxford in England.
The building construction process was continued by the Governor General who ruled next, namely Governor General Jacob Mossel whose term of office was 1750 - 1761
In the course of its history, this building was badly damaged as a result of an attack by the people of Banten who were anti-Company, under the leadership of Kiai Tapa and Ratu Bagus Buang, which was called the Banten War 1750 - 1754.
During the reign of Governor General Willem Daendels (1808-1811), the guest house was expanded by adding additions to the left and right of the building. The main building is divided into two levels. The large yard is also beautified by bringing in six pairs of spotted deer from the border of India and Nepal.
Then during the reign of Governor General Baron
van der Capellen (1817-1826), carried out major changes. A tower in the middle of the main building was erected so that the palace was even more magnificent. Meanwhile, the land around the palace was made into a Botanical Garden, the inauguration of which was carried out on May 18, 1817. This building was again severely damaged when an earthquake occurred on October 10, 1834.
During the reign of Governor General Albertus Yacob Duijmayer van Twist (1851-1856), the old buildings left by the earthquake were completely demolished. Then by taking the European architecture of the IX Century, a new one-story building was erected. Another change is the addition of two bridges connecting the Main Building and the Right Wing Building (the third part of the Bogor Palace building is the right wing Main Building, usually used for staying state guests who hold the position of head of state or head of government.) and the Left Wing ( Has a building area of 325 m2, usually used as a place to stay for state guests with the rank of minister) made of curved wood. The new palace building was completely realized during the reign of Governor General Charles Ferdinand Pahud de Montager (1856-1861). And in government
At the end of World War II, Japan surrendered to the Allied forces, then Indonesia declared its independence. The People's Security Front (BKR) occupied the Buitenzorg Palace to raise the red and white flag. The Buitenzourg Palace, whose current name is the Bogor Presidential Palace, was handed back to the government of the republic at the end of 1949. After the independence period, the Bogor Presidential Palace began to be used by the Indonesian government in January 1950.
Libraries and Art Objects
The Bogor Presidential Palace has a collection of 3,205 books, a list of which is available in the palace library. This palace stores many art objects, both in the form of paintings, sculptures, as well as ceramics and other art objects.
Until now there are 448 paintings in this palace, where the title or name of the painting, the painter, the year it was painted, are available in list form making it easier for anyone who wants to obtain information about the painting.
This is also the case with statues with various raw materials. In this palace there are 216 statues. In addition to paintings and sculptures, the Bogor Palace also collects 196 pieces of ceramics. All of that is stored in the palace museum, in addition to those used as displays in every room or building of the palace.