Figures Ocean Explorers From Europe Complete (Portuguese, Spanish, English, Dutch, French)
Minggu, 15 Januari 2023
Figures Ocean Explorers From Europe Complete (Portuguese, Spanish, English, Dutch, French)
Figures of Portuguese Ocean Explorers
1. Bartholomeus Diaz
In 1486, Bartholomeus Diaz managed to reach the Cape of Good Hope or Cape of Typhoons at the southern tip of the African continent.
2. Vasco de Gama
On May 22, 1498, Vasco de Gama made it to Calcutta, India.
3. Cabral
In 1500, Cabral reached the Eastern Peninsula of Brazil.
4. Alfonso de Albuquerque
In 1511, Alfonso de Albuquerque captured Malacca.
5. Franciscus Xavier
Franciscus Xavier spread Christianity to the Moluccas, India, China and Japan in the 1550s.
Figure Ocean Explorer from Spain
1. Christopher Columbus
In 1492, Christophorus Columbus made it to San Salvador in the Bahamas in the Caribbean. Christophorus Columbus is considered the discoverer of the Americas because he showed the way for Europeans.
2. Amerigo Vespucci
Amerigo Vespucia has the Latin name Latin Americus Vespucius. He was one of the sailors who participated in Marco Polo's journey. Because of his services, Amerigo's name was immortalized as the name of the Americas.
3. Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian del Cano
Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian del Cano were the first two figures to circumnavigate the world.
4. Ferdinand Cortez
In 1519, Ferdinand Cortez was able to reach Central America. He succeeded in conquering the Indians, namely the Aztecs in Mexico and the Mayans in the Yucatan Peninsula.
5. Pizaro
In 1532, Pizaro succeeded in conquering the Incas in the interior of Peru.
Ocean Explorers from England
1. Sir Francis Drake
Sir Francis Drake
successfully made a voyage around the world. In 1577-1580, Sir Francis Drake is known as a half Magellan world traveler.
2. William Dampier
In 1688, William Dampier landed on the west coast of Australia.
3. James Cook
In 1770, James Cook managed to land on the east coast of the Australian continent to further explore the coast to the north of Australia.
4. Matthew Flinders
In 1789, Matthew Flinders managed to circumnavigate Australia and make a map of Australia.
Figure Ocean Explorer from the Netherlands
1. Barents
Barents trying to find a way to Asia through the north pole. On his return, in 1594 Barents died and the sea was named the Barents Sea.
2. Abel J. Tasman
In 1642, Abel J. Tasman discovered the island of Tasmania.
3. Cornelius de Houtman
In 1596, the ship under his leadership reached the Port of Banten.
4. Willem Janz
In 1666, Willem Janz managed to land in the Gulf of Carpentaria, North Australia.
Figure Ocean Explorer from France
1. Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne
Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne, He made important discoveries in the southern Indian Ocean, in Tasmania and New Zealand.
2.Jacques Cartier
When Jacques Cartier tried to traverse northwestern China around North America, he failed. However, in 1536 Cartier tried to return and he found the bay & river St. Lawrence. The Indians gave information that Cartier had arrived in Canada.
3. Giovanni da Verazzuno
Giovanni da Verazzuno is famous for being the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America between the Carolinas and Newfoundland including New York Bay and Narragansett Bay in 1524.
4. Samuel de Champlain
In 1609, Champlain led an expedition down the Richelieu River and explore the long, narrow lake nestled between the green mountains of Vermont and New York's Adirondack Mountains.
Source: Subject