Minggu, 25 Desember 2022
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Before the angel Azrael was ordered by Allah SWT to take the life of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah gave a message to the angel Jibril
"O Jibril, if My beloved rejects him, forbid Israel to do his duty!" How precious is this one human being who is none other than Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the house of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Suddenly from outside the door a person was heard saying greetings.
"Can I come in?" he asked. But Fatimah did not allow him to enter saying, "Excuse me, my father has a fever" said Fatimah who turned around and closed the door. Then Fatimah returned to accompany Prophet Muhammad SAW who turned out to have opened his eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who is that, my son?". "I don't know my father, he seems like a new person, because I only saw him this time" said Fatimah softly. Then, the Messenger of God looked at his daughter with a thrilling look. It was as if part by part of his son's face was to be remembered.
"Know, O my son, it is he who eliminates temporary pleasures, it is he who separates gatherings in the world. He is the angel of death," said the Prophet, Fatimah also held back her bursts of tears.
The angel of death came over to him, but Rasulullah asked why Jibril did not come with him. Then called Jibril who had previously been prepared in the sky of the world to welcome the beloved spirit of Allah SWT and the ruler of this world.
"Jibril, explain what my rights will be before God?" Rasulullah asked with a very weak voice. "The gates of heaven have opened, the angels have been waiting for your soul. All the heavens are wide open waiting for your arrival" said the angel Jibril. But that did not make the Messenger of Allah relieved, his eyes were still full of anxiety.
"Are you not happy to hear this news?" Ask Jmalaikat Ibril again.
"Tell me what will happen to my people in the future?" "Don't worry, O Allah's Apostle, I have heard that Allah said to me: I have forbidden paradise for anyone except the people of Muhammad who have been in it," said the angel Gabriel.
dir="ltr">The seconds are getting closer, it's time for the angel Azrael to do his job. Slowly the spirit of the Prophet was withdrawn. You can see that the Prophet's whole body was drenched in sweat, the veins in his neck tensed.
"Jibril, how painful this death is." Slowly the Prophet complained. Fatimah closed her eyes, Ali who was next to her lowered her head even deeper and Jibril turned away. "Are you disgusted by the sight of me, until you turn your face Jibril?" The Messenger of Allah asked the Angel of revelation.
"Who is willing to see God's beloved taken away by death" said Jibril. A moment later the Messenger of Allah was heard complaining, because of the unbearable pain. "Oh God, this death is terrible, JUST PUT ALL THIS DEATH ON ME, NOT ON MY PEOPLE"
The Prophet's body began to get cold, his legs and chest were no longer moving. His lips trembled as if to whisper something, Ali brought his ear closer. "Uushiikum bis-shalaati, wamaa malakat aimanaukum (maintain prayer and maintain the weak among you)". Outside, the door began to cry, friends hugged each other. Fatimah covered her face with her hands, and Ali brought her ear closer to the Prophet's lips which were starting to turn blue. "Ummatii, ummatii, ummatii! (My people, my people, my people)". And, ended the life of the most noble man who gave that radiation.
According to the jumhur ulama, some of the pains of death are the entire Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad, which has been bestowed upon Muhammad
How deep is the Prophet's love for us, his people, even at the end of his life, we were the only ones in his mind. The pain of death is painful, but we remember very little even to simply glorify the Call of the Prophet.
Allahumma sholli 'alaa sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala ali sayyidina Muhammad....
Hopefully we are among the people who will get the intercession of the king of the Prophet Muhammad on the Day of Resurrection. Amen.
--- Hope it is useful ---
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