
History and Meaning of 1 Muharram Hijri Islamic New Year

History and Meaning of 1 Muharram Islamic New Year Hijriyah I is commemorated every 1st of Muharram by Muslims. Usually held celebration activities that involve people of various ages, both men and women. The turn of the year reminds people to improve themselves (muhasabah) to what extent the provisions prepared to face life after death always reflect noble character, have a new enthusiasm to design and live life in a better direction.

The history and meaning of the Islamic New Year are both closely related to time that keeps turning. The lucky man is the one who spends his time doing as much charity as possible. Seconds, minutes, hours and days owned by successful people are the journey process to achieve success. While those who neglect time and potential are among the losers.
History of Islamic New Year

The history of the use of the Islamic new year calculation system began at the time of Umar bin Al-Khattab ra or 6 years after the death of the Prophet SAW. One history mentions that when the caliph received a reply letter criticizing that his previous letter was sent without a number. He then consulted with his Companions and in short, they also agreed to make the momentum where the migration of the Prophet SAW took place. as the beginning of the calculation of the year in Islam.

Before developing the Islamic calendar or the Hijri calendar, the Arabs recognized years by naming them after the important events that occurred in that year. For example, the history of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, known as the "Year of the Elephant", because in that year the Kaaba was attacked by troops using elephants as their war vehicles.

While the qomariyah calendar system based on the circulation of the moon is said to have been known by the Arabs for a long time. Likewise the names of the months and the number of 12 months in a year. In fact, they have used the month of Muharram as the first month and Dzulhijjah as the 12th month before the prophethood. In other words, the names of the months in the Hijri calendar are not new names, but the names of months that have been used before in the history of the Islamic New Year.

The use of the Qomariyah year is also in accordance with God's words, "He is the one who made the sun shine and the moon shine and set the manzilah-manzilah (places) for the journey of the month, so that you know the number of years and reckoning (time)." (Jonah: 5).

If on the Gregorian calendar a day starts at exactly 00.00, then on the Hijri calendar it has the concept that a day starts at sunset. On the basis of this principle, the period of 1 year in the Hijri calendar is 11 days shorter than the period of 1 year in the Christian calendar. Although conceptually different, the Islamic calendar has several similarities with the Christian calendar, including the number of months (ie 12 months) and the number of days in a week (ie 7 days).

The number of days in a month in the Hijri calendar is calculated based on the synodic cycle of the month. Due to the instability of the synodic cycle, the months in the calendar do not have the same number of days. The number of days in a month on the Hijri calendar ranges from 29 – 30 days; so that the total days in 1 year of the Islamic calendar are 354-355 days. Here are the names of the months

on the Hijri calendar and a description of the number of days:
Muharram (30 days).
Safar (29 days).
Rabiul Awal (30 days).
Rabiul Akhir (29 days).
Jumadil Awal (30 days).
Jumadil Akhir (29 days).
Rajab (30 days).
Sha'ban (29 days).
Ramadan (30 days).
Shawwal (29 days).
Dzulkaidah (30 days).
Dzulhijjah (29 or 30 days)

The history of the Islamic New Year is closely related to the hijrah event which became the momentum where Muslims officially existed under international law, had a formal legal system, had an official government and could sit on equal footing with other countries/kingdoms in the international arena. Since then, Islamic law has come into effect, such as qishash and hudud, such as cutting off the hands of those who steal, stoning/whipping adulterers, inheritance law and many more.

The meaning of Islamic New Year

The meaning of the Islamic new year is a lesson that seems to be left behind. Covered by the frenetic celebration of the Christian New Year, which is already a tradition to be celebrated lively. Sounds boring, but in fact that's what is needed so that the grades are maintained properly. A new spirit that is used as a basis for Muslims and Islamic leaders in improving self-quality.

The calculation of the Islamic new year begins with an event when Muslims make a big decision to change their destiny, namely hijrah. The word hijrah literally means moving. Means efforts to change human fate. The spirit of not being silent and always trying to achieve goals. Trying to make a leap for a better change. Even if the endeavor is hard, risky, and you have to leave old habits that may be hard.

The meaning of the first Islamic New Year is to recall the event of hijrah so as to increase Muslim confidence in the truth of the ideology and creed that they adhere to. Don't care about all kinds of distractions that aim to tempt faith. At that time Rasulullah saw. firmly believed in the success of his migration, da'wah and his arrival before his companions in Medina, even though he would go through great threats and difficulties on his way.

The meaning of the second Islamic New Year is to introduce the younger generation to the heroic moments of the younger generation of friends in the moment of hijrah and Islamic history. The struggle carried out by the Apostle and his companions during the journey is what the meaning of the Islamic new year should be properly imbued with so that the journey full of sacrifice itself becomes a life lesson for mankind.

The meaning of the third Islamic new year is to reaffirm the importance of applying noble character in life which originates from the Al-Quran. Migration from drinking alcohol towards leaving drinking alcohol. Migration from the act of gambling in the direction of leaving gambling. Migration from the habit of frequent adultery towards leaving adultery. Migration from acts of stealing and corruption towards leaving theft. Migration from liking to use drugs towards leaving drugs. The point is to leave the habit of violating His prohibitions to obey Allah Taala's commands.

To complete the article about the Islamic new year, its history and meaning, the 1st of Muharram is one of the four forbidden months in the Hijri calendar. So it is appropriate for Muslims all over the world to improve themselves to become better human beings than the previous year.
Source: mohlimo.com

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