
Forming the Character of an Islamic Leader from an Early Age

 Forming the Character of an Islamic Leader from an Early Age

Illustration. (collegeaffairs.in)

One of the breakthrough programs that is favored by MI Cibengang, Tasikmalaya is a mentoring program that forms children's character as leaders. In accordance with the first mission of the school, which is to form the character of an Islamic leader. Children are educated in theory and practice. Starting from the habituation early in the morning which includes praying duha together, memorizing juz amma and the Koran to  other Islamic religious lessons  . Departing from the words of the Prophet  Muhammad SAW  which read: "Teach your children to ride, swim and archery" (Sahih Bukhari/Muslim History), MI Cibengang through two consultant teachers

Indonesian Literacy School program, adding another extracurricular program, namely archery. After an ongoing literacy program, it turns out that archery extracurricular activities are in great demand by children.

Archery was chosen as an additional program at school to adapt to the school's mission, besides that with archery we can train physically and most importantly train our emotions. Balance on the body when archery can train children to concentrate. The emotional level can also be seen from the results of the right target or even being lost, where if the emotions are in a depressed state, the arrows released will automatically be lost. This program indirectly trains children in discipline, trains calm and stabilizes emotions.

The impact of this archery program has begun to be felt, apart from attracting children's interest to continue learning and feeling very comfortable at school with the many activities available, motivation among students is also continuing. In the end, with this program, it is hoped that leaders will be born who can fight for religion, nation and state in the future. (These programs support the development of education in Indonesia that are evenly distributed and improve the quality of schools through da'wah.

Source: dakwatuna.com

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