
Rabu, 02 Maret 2022

The science of tasawwuf is generally divided into three, the first is philosophical tasawwuf, namely tasawwuf that uses the approach of ratio or reason, this model of tasawwuf uses materials - study materials or thoughts from the tasawwuf, both concerning the philosophy of God man and so on. Second, moral tasawwuf , that is, tasawwuf that uses a moral approach. The stages consist of takhalli (emptying oneself from bad morals), tahalli (decorating it with praiseworthy morals), and tajalli(the opening of the barrier [hijab] that separates humans from God, so that Nur Illahi is clearly visible to him).
And third, amali tasawwuf , which is tasawwuf that uses the amaliyah or wirid approach, then it appears in the tariqat. In fact, the three kinds of tasawwu f had the same goal, which is to both draw closer to God by cleaning oneself from reprehensible deeds and adorn oneself with praiseworthy deeds ( al-akhlaq al-mahmudah ), therefore to go to the realm of tasawwuf , one should have noble morals based on his own consciousness. Sufismin essence is doing a series of worship to get closer to Allah swt. Worship itself is closely related to morality. According to Harun Nasution, studying Sufism is closely related to the Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah which emphasize morality.
The way the Sufis worship usually has implications for the development of noble morals, both for themselves and others. Among the Sufis, the term altakhalluq bi akhlaqillah is known, which is virtuous with the virtues of Allah, or also the term al-ittishaf bi sifatillah, which is to characterize oneself with the attributes possessed by Allah.
So morality is part of akhlaqi tasawwuf, which is one of the teachings of tasawwuf, and the most important thing from the teachings of moral tasawwuf is filling the heart (heart) with khauf , namely feeling worried about God's torment.
Existentially, in essence, morality and Sufism are two scientific buildings that support each other in applications and the most rational is that these two have the same orientation, namely how humans as representatives / caliphs of God on earth can always carry out a transcendental divine mission. act and show their existence on earth. [7]

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