
Kamis, 10 Maret 2022

1. That he is the best of days.

Dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu  dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Salam beliau bersabda,

The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday, on it Adam was created, on it he was entered into Paradise, and on it he was expelled from it, and the Hour will not be established except on Friday

" The best day on which the sun rises (a bright day) is Friday, (because) on this day Adam was created, this day Adam was entered into paradise and expelled from it, and the Day of Resurrection will not come except on Friday. 'at ." (HR Muslim).

2. Today contains the obligation of Friday prayer

The obligation to pray Friday is the greatest obligation of Islam, which is the most emphasized and the greatest gathering of Muslims. Whoever leaves it (performing Friday prayers) because he underestimates him, Allah will surely close his heart as in the authentic hadith narrated by Muslim.

3. There is a time when people pray in it in ijabah i (granted).

Dari Abu Hurairah  radhiyallahu 'anhu  berkata, Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Salam bersabda,

There is an hour on Friday when a Muslim servant does not agree while he is standing and praying and asks God for something but He will give it to him

" Indeed, on this Friday, there was a time when a Muslim did not meet him (Friday) while he was standing in prayer asking for something from Allah, but Allah will give it to him ." ( Muttafaq 'alaihi )

Ibn al-Qayyim said after mentioning that there was a dispute about the determination of this time, "The most  rajih  (strong) opinions are the two opinions that are both contained in a hadith that is  tsabit  (saheeh). That is, the first opinion, that (the time of the  ijabah ) starts from the sitting of the imam until the performance of prayer, as in the hadith of Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet  sallallaahu' alaihi wa  sallam said,

It is between the imam sitting until the prayer is over

"(The time of ijabah) is between the sitting of the imam until the prayer is done ." (HR Muslim).

The second opinion, that is after the time of 'Ashar. And these are the two strongest opinions. ( Zaadul Ma'ad  I/389-390).

4. Giving charity in it is better than giving charity on other days.

Ibnul Qayyim said, "Charity on Friday compared to other days of the week, like giving charity in Ramadan compared to other months."

And in the hadith of Ka'ab (it is said),

Charity in it is greater than charity in all days

" Giving alms in it is greater (reward) than giving alms on another day ." (Hadith  mauquf saheeh  but has the law of  marfu ').

5. It is the day that Allah  Almighty will  honor in it the saints the believers in heaven.

From Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu , he said about the words of Allah Azza wa Jalla ,

((وَلَدَيْنَا مَزِيْدٌ))

" And on our side there are additions ." (Surat Qaf, 35)

He said, " All a h glorify them every Friday ."

6. It is the day of  'Ied  (celebration) which is repeated every week.

dir = "ltr"> From Ibn 'Abbas  radhiyallahu 'anhuma  said, the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said,

This is a day of Eid that God has made for Muslims, so whoever comes to Jumu’ah, let him take a bath…

" Indeed, today is the day of 'Ied that Allah has made for the Muslims, whoever finds Friday should take a bath " (HR Ibn Majah in  Sahih at-Targhib  I/298).

7. It is the day that removes sins.

From Salman he said, Rasulullah  Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Salam  said,

A man does not take a bath on Friday and purify himself as much as he can from his purification and apply some of his oil or touch his house perfume, then he goes out and does not differentiate between two, then he prays what was written for him and then listens if the imam speaks, except that he is forgiven for what is between him and the other Friday.

It is not for a servant to bathe on Friday and purify himself with the best of purity, then he anoints his hair or perfumes it with perfume, then he goes out (performing Friday prayers) and does not separate between two people (who sit), then he performs the prayers that are obligatory upon him and he is silent when the Imam preaches, but all his sins will be forgiven between this Friday and other Fridays . " (HR Bukhari).

8. People who walk to perform Friday prayers, at every step of his feet there is a reward for fasting and praying a year.

As the hadith of Aus bin Aus  radhiyallahu 'anhu  he said, the Prophet  sallallaahu' alaihi wa  sallam said,

Whoever washes and performs a ritual ablution on Friday, rises early, approaches the imam and listens, he will have every step he takes to fast and pray for a year, and that is easy for God.

" Whoever takes a bath and performs ablution on Friday, then he hurries and hurries (for prayer), then he approaches the imam and is silent, then for him at every step of the foot he steps (there is a reward) fasting and prayer a year, and that thus this is an easy thing for Allah . ” (HR Ahmad and  Ashhabus Sunnan , authenticated by Ibn Khuzaimah).

Allahu Akbar ! Every step taken towards the Friday prayer is worth a year's fasting and prayers?!

Where are the people who want to hurry to get to this greatness?! Where are the people who want this boon?!

((ذَلِكَ فَضْلُ اللّهِ يُؤْتِيْهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَاللَّهُ ذُوْ الفَضْلِ العَظِيْمِ)

" That is the gift of God, He gives it to whom He wills and God has a great gift ." (QS al-Hadiid, 21)

9. Hell is lit – that is, it is kindled – every day of the week except on Fridays.

Which is as (one form of) glorification of this great day. (See  Zaadul Ma'ad  I/387).

10. Death on Friday or the night is a sign of  husnul khotimah .

Where the person who dies today will be safe from the torment of the grave and from the question of the two Angels. From Ibn 'Amr  radhiyallahu' anhuma  he said, the Prophet  sallallaahu 'alaihi wa  sallam said,

There is no Muslim who dies on Friday or Friday night but that God Almighty will protect him from the trial of the grave

" It is not for a Muslim to die on Friday or on Friday night, unless Allah Ta'ala protects him from grave slander ." (R Ahmad and Turmudi, authenticated by al-Albani).
Shaykh Khâlid Abū Shâliĥ
Source: fimadani.com

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