100 Branches of Biology, Read Here Guys
Aerobiology, the study of organic particles that can be transported by air
Agroforestry, the study of forms of resource management that combines forest management activities or timber trees with short-term planting of commodities or crops.
Agronomy, the study of cultivated plants
Algology, the study of algae
Anatomy or the study of the body, the study of body parts
Comparative Anatomy, the study of the similarities and differences in the anatomy of living things.
Andrology, the study of hormones and male reproductive disorders
Anesthesiology, the discipline that studies the use of anesthesia.
Angiology, the study of diseases of the circulatory system and lymphatic system
Biological anthropology, the study of biological and cultural research on human diversity, human evolution, and comparisons of past and present primate anatomy, behavior, history, and ecology
Apiology, the study of bees, including beekeeping
Arachnology, the study of spiders.
Arthrology, the study of joints (joint disease)
Arthropodology, the study of arthropods
Astrobiology, the study of the evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe
Bacteriology, the study of bacteria
Batrachology, the study of amphibians
Biopharmaceuticals, the study of the cultivation of medicinal plants
Bioinformatics, the study of the application of computational techniques to manage and analyze biological information
Freshwater Biology, the study of life and freshwater habitat ecosystems
Evolutionary Biology, the study of the origin of species that share a common ancestor, and the decline of species, as well as their change, increase, and diversification over time.
Integrative Biology, the study of organisms as a whole through a focus on the interface between biology and physics, chemistry, engineering, imaging, and informatics
Marine Biology, the study of life in the sea (living things and their interactions with the environment)
Conservation Biology, the study of the preservation, protection, and restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife
Quantum Biology, the study of the application of quantum mechanics to biological objects and their problems
Environmental Biology, the science that studies the environment and its problems and solutions, by integrating the academics of physical and biological sciences
Molecular Biology, the study of biology at the molecular level
Development Biology, the study of the indoor environment
Developmental Biology, the study of the process of growth and development of organisms
Population Biology, the study of populations of organisms, especially the regulation of population numbers, life history characteristics of populations, and their extinction
Psychological Biology, the study of the mutual influence of the psychological and biological fields on each other
Reproductive Biology, a branch of biology that deals with reproduction
Synthetic Biology, the science that combines science and technology to study the design and construction of new biological functions and systems not found in nature
Biochemistry, the study of biology that studies the chemistry of living things
Biophysics. a branch of biology that studies the application of various devices and physical laws to explain various biological or biological phenomena
Biogeography, a branch of biology that studies biological diversity based on space and time
Biomathematics, the study of quantitative research of biological processes, with an emphasis on modelling
Biomechanics, the study of the application of mechanical principles to biological systems
Bionics, the study of the application of biological methods and systems found in nature for the research and design of engineering systems and modern technology
Biostatistics, (a combination of the words biology and statistics; sometimes referred to as biometry or biometrics) is the application of statistics to the biological sciences.
Biotechnology, a branch of science that studies the use of living things (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) and products from living things (enzymes, alcohol) in the production process to produce goods and services.
Botany, the study of plants
Bryology, the study of bryophyte
Cetology, the science that studies cetaceans
Conchology, the science that studies mollusk shells
Dendrochronology, the study of the analysis of annual rings in cambium stems
Dendrology, the study of trees and other woody plants, such as lianas and shrubs
Dermatology, the science that studies the skin and its diseases
Ecophysiology, the study of the physical adaptation of an organism to environmental conditions
Ecology, the study of the interrelationships between living things and their environment
Molecular ecology, the study of ecology at the molecular level
Embryology, the study of embryonic development
Endocrinology, the study of hormones
Entomology, the study of insects
Epidemiology, the study of disease transmission
Epigenetics, the study of changes in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence
Epizoology, the science of infectious diseases that infect animals, usually farm animals
Ethnobiology, the study of the dynamic relationship between humans, biota, and the environment from antiquity to the present day
Ethnobotany, the study of the relationship between humans and plants
Ethnozoology, the study of the relationship between humans and animals
Ethology is a branch of zoology that studies animal behavior or behavior, its mechanisms and causes
Eugenetics, the study of heredity Evolution, the study of long-term changes in living things
Enzymology, the study of enzymes
Pharmacology, the study of drugs, their interactions and effects on the human body
Phenology, the study of the influence of climate or the surrounding environment on the appearance of an organism or population
Phycology, the study of algae.
Phylogeny, the study of the relationships among groups of organisms associated with the evolutionary processes that are thought to underlie them
Physiology, the study of the physiology/function of the body
Physiotherapy, the study of the treatment of patients with paralysis or muscle disorders
Phytopathology, a branch of science that studies plant diseases due to pathogen attack or disruption of nutrient availability
Floriculture, the science of horticulture that studies all things about ornamental plants
Gastrology, the study of the digestive tract, especially the stomach and intestines
Genetics, the study of heredity
Ecological Genetics, the study of genetics in ecological characteristics
Evolutionary Genetics, the study of the evolution of the inheritance of living things
Quantitative Genetics, The branch of genetics that deals with the inheritance of measurable traits (quantitative or metric)
Geobiology, the science that combines geology and biology to study the interactions of organisms with their environment
Geriatrics, the study of diseases of the elderly
Gerontology, the science that studies through various aspects of the aging process, namely through biological, psychological, social, economic, health and environmental approaches
Genetics, the science that deals with the transmission of genetic material in the population domain
Quantitative genetics, the branch of genetics that deals with the inheritance of measurable traits (quantitative or metric), which cannot be explained directly through Mendel's laws of inheritance
Molecular genetics, the branch of genetics that studies genetic material and genetic expression at the subcellular (inside cells) level
Population genetics, the study of the transmission of genetic material in the population domain
Gynecology, the science that specializes in the study of diseases of the female reproductive system (womb, vagina and ovaries)
Genomics, the study of the genetic material of an organism or virus
Helminthology, the study of worms
Hematology, the study of blood, blood-forming organs and their diseases
Herbachronology, the study of the analysis of annual growth rings (or simple annual rings) in the secondary root xylem of herbaceous plants
Herpetology, the study of reptiles and amphibians (snakes and lizards)
Histology, the study of tissue
Molecular medicine, medical science that studies the molecular level
Public health science, science that studies the maintenance, protection, and improvement of public health through community organizing efforts
Breeding is a science that studies human activities in raising plants or animals to maintain the purity of the strain or race while improving its production or quality through the application of genetics.
The science of livestock production, the science that studies the proper care of livestock in order to improve the quality of the livestock products
Enzyme technology, the study of technology that can be used to produce enzymes
Immunohematology, the study of blood groups
Immunology, the study of the body's immune system
Immunoserology, the study of the identification of antibodies, investigation of immune system problems, and the study of the suitability of organs for transplantation
Medical informatics, the science that deals with the optimal storage, retrieval and use of biomedical data, information and knowledge for the purpose of problem solving and decision making
Cardiology, the study of the heart and blood vessels
Carcinology, the study of crustaceans