
Aesthetics and Ethics Complete Understanding

Aesthetics is part of axiology which discuss issues, and questions about beauty, and concerned the scope of value, pengelaman, behaviors, and thoughts of artists and the arts in human life (The liang gie, 1976) In Craig (2005).

Marcia Marton found aesthetic concepts are concepts relating to the description and evaluation of the object as well as artistic and aesthetic events.

Immanuel Kant argued that the concept of aesthetics are subjective, and he stated that the universal human conscious level have the same feeling about what makes them comfortable or uncomfortable.


According to The liang gie , often referred to as the term philosophy of beauty, taste philosophy, and the philosophy of art. Ethics Filasafati also often referred to as a scientific study in discussing the phenomenon or manifestation of art from the basics of the art discourse.


The principles contained in aesthetics under the framework of Hellenistic speculation namely Regarding nature and value of beauty, and the other two principles are closer to the problems of moral and metaphysical.


Aesthetic concepts are concepts associated with the term that raised aesthetic completeness referring to the description and evaluation of the experiences involving the object, as well as events and ekstetik artisttik. Immuel Kant also stated that the concept of esthetic ensensial is subjective and he is rooted in personal feelings about pleasure and pain.

Ethics and aesthetics relationship according to Tanner is found between aesthetics and ethics assessment has given rise to the subject matter of aesthetics, mainly based on the views idisnkretis kant.


Ethics called decency or moral philosophy, ethics itself can be interpreted a discourse that memeperbincangkan foundations own morality and ethics related to the philosophical foundation of the norms and values ​​in public life or culture associated with the value and assessment of the behavior. Ethics can help us to think more clearly about the Principles of the action and resolve ethical problems logically.

Ethical philosophy is an attempt to give a foundation to efforts to resolve conflicts in a rational way if our automated response and action implicit rules convoluted with response and conflicting rules

Craig (2005), in " The Shorter Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy" suggests three main issues of ethics, namely:

1. The problem of ethics and meta-ethics

Basically ethics itself have the meanings including the following four

a. Ethics is a system of values ​​that are important in the life habits of particular groups of people who are described as the ethics of this group.

b. Ethics is used on one system among systems of special yaitui be moraliitas involving the meaning of truth and error

c. Ethics in a system of morality itself refers to the actual moral principles

d. Ethics is an area in a research paper discussing the philosophy of ethics in penegrtian-another sense.

2. Problems concepts and theories of ethics

In Craig (2005), according to the Crips ethics falsafiah are broad and general as well as working to get the general principles or daasar information regarding the morality and tend to be more focused on the analysis of the central issues in ethics itself. The essence of ethics since the time of Greece is the question of what made for a good human life for a personal life.

Moral philosophy or ethics advocacy sedikitny discuss specific ways of living and acting.

Theories based on the truth can be described as a deontological. The peak occurred in the 18th century German philosophy Immuel Kant, the theory assumes that we must hold the promise even if we violate or impede doing something, the consequences will be. In the 20th century there is a counter reaction to kases perceived from the konsekunsionalis tika and deontological, and back on the handle-grip ancient times.

3. Problems of applied ethics

Philosophical ethics is always associated with a certain level of application in everyday life. In the world of ethical politics is indispensable to the welfare of the community and for controlling the system of government in the development of implementing methods and techniques provide welfare to society

Sumber: Alfie

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