
Understanding Of Network Operating System And Its Types and Functions

Understanding Of Network Operating System And Its Types and Functions


A. Definition Network Operating System.

Network Operating System (Network Operating System) is a type of operating system is intended to handle the network. Generally, the operating system is made up of many services or service that is intended to serve the users, such as file sharing services, sharing services display devices (printers), DNS Service, HTTP Service, and others. The term is popular in the late 1980s to early 1990s. The network operating system is a type of operating system to handle networking.Communication dikususkan This operation consists of many services or service that is intended to serve the users, such as file sharing services, sharing services display devices (printers), DNS Service, HTTP Service, and others etc. 

B. Characteristics of Network Operating System.

The control center network resources 
Secure access to a network 
Allow remote user connected to the network 
Allowing users to connect to another network (eg the Internet) 
Back up your data and ensure that data is available 

C. Main Function Network Operating System

Connecting a number of computers and other devices to a network 
Manage network resources 
providing services 
Provide network security for multiple users 
Easily add client and resource lainnnya 
Monitor the status and function of the elements - the network element 
Distribution of programs and software updates to client 
Using the server's ability to efficiently 
Providing fault tolerance 

D. Types of services based network operating system (interface). 

1. Based Network Operating System GUI. 

GUI-based Network Operating System The operating system is in the process of installation is, users do not need to memorize the syntax - DOS commands or syntax or programming language it uses. Here are some examples of GUI-based network operating system:

Linux Redhat 
Windows NT 3.51 
Windows 2000 (NT 5.0) 
Windows Server 2003 
Windows XP 
Microsoft MS-NET 
Microsoft LAN Manager 
Novell NetWare 

2. Text-Based Network Operating System. 

Text-Based Network Operating System is the operating system installation process, the user is expected to memorize the DOS command used to run an installation of the Network Operating System, are as follows:

Debian Linux 
Suse Linux 
Sun Solaris 
Mandrake Linux 
Windows NT 
Windows 2000 Server 
Windows 2003 Server 



1. Definition Closed Source. 

Definition Closed Source Software is software or software published without given the source code, the type of closed source software consists of only binary files without any room for access to the software source code. 

Close Source Operating System Operating System code is not open to the public, the owners closed source code can share the source code through free licenses and gengan pay. On the Operating System's Close Source program package can not be distributed further apart by Author / Vendor of the program. If there is a distribution that is not of Vendor program, it is considered as software piracy.

2. Gains / Excess Close Source

Kestablian guaranteed system 
Support / direct support from the program owners 
Easier to use 

3. Disadvantages / Disadvantages Close Source

Cracks open 
The existence of a license that requires users to provide funds 
limited development 
required antivirus 
The price of expensive licenses 

Example 4. Close Source Operating System. Examples of breakdowns and Closed Source Software. 

a. Operating System 

Software example in groups that use Operating Systems Closed Source license is the Microsoft Windows

Windows 95. 
Windows 98. 
Windows ME. 
Windows NT. 
Windows XP. 
Windows Server 2003. 
Windows Vista. 
Windows Server 2008. 
Windows 7. 
Windows 8. 

b. Programming language. 

There are many types of programming languages, including the programming software that is licensed by many closed source, for example: ASP.Net, Pascal, Visual Basic. 

c. Web Browser. 

Examples of Web Browser with closed source code is that since the first Internet Explorer is used by Microsoft in its Windows operating system. 

d. Application. 

Many applications that use the license closed or closed source code, application examples known are: CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop. 

e. Applications Office. 

Microsoft Office became the most popular application-based closed source to help complete office work and more. 

f. Anti virus.

To secure your computer against malicious programs is needed antidote. Lots of anti-virus software and anti-virus following examples closed source: Norton and McAfee. 


1. Open Source Operating System. 

Open Source Operating System is software (software) in which the source code is open and is provided by the developer in general to be able to be studied, modified and further developed and disseminated, and may even to fix bugs or errors in the program.

Open Source real purpose is to eliminate the dependence on vendors, which is where from the Vendor may act arbitrarily. Open Source also provides software that is easy to reach by public and avoid making massive profits / overuse of the Vendor. 

2. Advantages / Advantages of Open Source

Saving the country's foreign exchange 
security system 
The support of the larger developers 
Free to change and modify 
Errors (bugs, error) more quickly found and fixed 
Lisensei free 
Free of malware 
Not repeat development 

3. Disadvantages / Weaknesses Open Source

There is no guarantee from the developer 
Open Source is used sharing 
Lack of human resources that take advantage of Open Source 
The absence of protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) 
The difficulty of knowing the status of the project 
User Interface complicated for ordinary users 

4. Examples of Open Source Operating System. 

Linux, an operating system which is free software and is very popular.

GNU Linux 
Sun Solaris 
Linux Ubuntu 
Garuda OS 
Kondra Linux 
Turbo Linux 
Linux Mint 

Some Types of Network Operating System. 

1. Banyan VINES. 

Banyan VINES (Virtual Integrated Network Service) is a network operating system popular in the late 1980s to early 1990s are widely used in corporate networks. Vines was originally created by a network protocol derived from Xerox Network System (XNS). VINES itself uses a distributed network architecture client or server that allows clients to access a resource on the server over the network. 

2. Novell Netware.

Novell NetWare is a network operating system that is commonly used in IBM PC or nkompatibelnya. This operating system developed by Novell, and Novell Inc. based Xerox XNS network protocol stack. Novell Netware was used as a LAN-based network operating system. Widely used in the early to mid-1990s. 

3. Microsoft LAN Manager. 

LAN Manager is a network operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation in conjunction with 3Com Corporation. LAN Manager software is designed as a successor to the 3 + Share network server running on top of MS-DOS operating system. 

4. Microsoft Windows NT Server

Microsoft Windows NT Server using a non-dedicated server that allows it to work on a computer serevser, protocol network using TCP / IP and Windows NT is an operating system 32-bit from Microsoft that the ancestor of the operating system Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista. 

5. Windows 98, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, and Windows NT Workstation 

All the windows are at the top are not used by the server, but can be used to provide resources for the network (work station), as can access files and use the printer. 

6. GNU / Linux.

GNU / Linux is a derivative of Unix which is a freeware and powerful operating system, has the full implementation of the architecture of TCP / IP. Some variants of UNIX, such as SCO OpenServer, UnixWare Novell, or Solaris is a derivative of Unix which is a freeware and powerful operating system, has the full implementation of the architecture of TCP / IP. 

7. UNIX 

UNIX can handle large processing as well as providing internet services such as web servers, FTP servers, terminal emulation (Telnet), database access, and Network File System (NFS), which allows the client with different operating systems to access files that are stored on a computer that uses a UNIX operating system. 

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