
Beasiswa S2 Kesehatan dan Sosial ke Inggris 2017

Beasiswa S2 Kesehatan dan Sosial ke Inggris 2017 

Nih buat yg mau kuliah S2 ke Inggris, tepatnya di universitas Bournemouth, daerah ini berada di bagian barat daya inggris.
beasiswa ke luar negeri 2017: Executive Dean’s Scholarship – Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (EU/International)  by Bournemouth University

deadline apply:

31 May 2017

beasiswanya adalah: 50% fee reduction for 3 students

syarat ketentuan beasiswa: Any applicant for a Faculty of Health & Social Science's postgraduate course who qualifies as ‘overseas’ and EU for fee purposes; You cannot be in receipt of any other BU scholarship.

The scholarship is available to any international or EU postgraduate applicant for a full-time taught course run by this faculty, who can demonstrate an outstanding academic profile relating to their course.

You will need to have a minimum of an upper second-class honours degree (2i), or equivalent, and must fill in an application further highlighting your academic achievements and explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship.

cara ikut beasiswa: contact askbustudents@bournemouth.ac.uk by email to ask for a paper application form
kabarin teman2 kamu buat ikutan scholarship ini ya
Sourche: lombaapasaja.com

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